Friday, November 8, 2013

Nine Inch Nails Network TV Debut

Over the past couple decades, Nine Inch Nails, which were responsible for hits like "Head Like A Hole", "Everyday Is Exactly The Same", and "Closer"; had their Network TV Debut on Jimmy Kimmel this past week. Didn't catch it? Well your not out of luck, check it out first here!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Why hello Mr. Bloggy Blog, we meet again!

So here it goes, my first blog post in along time. Sorta reminds me of my Myspace days where we'd blog about what's going on in our lives. Well, I've decided to do it again. Lately I've been promoting for S&S and now just was asked if I was interested in promoting for V2, so I took the chance. Wasn't the best night to officially start that one, especially since I was out in the cold mostly over an hour before anything happened (well including the walk there). Do people still enjoy getting flyers? Seems like it. You can always get reminders online, but some of us like that old school with some things, such as buying records, ect. The experience was fun, besides having my feet become cold.

I recently got back into doing radio broadcasting with Utah Free Media, its something I love to do (eventhough most people might not listen). Whoever's listening is getting 110% listening pleasure with the music I'm playing. There's 2 days a week that I now do a show (3 hours each show), which has helped me express more of my music background in what I know about music. The one other thing I like about doing the show is that its online based. I have no need to worry about what I say or play, because the FCC can't touch online radio....well for right now that is. They want to though, stupid fuckers haha.

My dating life? Ha I don't really have a dating life as of right now. Seems like I always get put into the friend zone. But hey who knows, I could find someone especially when I progress in the right direction. Life in general seems weird and a journey. Also seems like a dream to me at time, I come to finding myself to try to wake up from it and expecting something else to happen, but it hasn't worked yet haha.

Well this is my first part of my new blog, thanks for reading (well if you do actually read it haha).